Take steak night to the next level with our attitude-packed spice blend.

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Spicy Steak Seasoning

Did you know

Our steak guide is full of tips on choosing and cooking your steak. Selecting the right cut, cook temperatures and times, plus wine pairings and delicious recipes are all included to help you cook the perfect steak every time.

Spicy Steak Seasoning

Steak Seasoning

Take steak night to the next-level with our attitude-packed spice blend.

Shop Cooks' Ingredients Steak Seasoning


Aromatic and bold. There’s an umami punch from garlic and onion, the warm earthiness of smoked paprika, fragrant notes of black pepper and a piquant lick of red chilli.

easy meal idea

Spicy cauli, tomato & new potato traybake with feta

Steak seasoning can work wonders with meat-free meals too. Try tumbling par-boiled new potatoes with cauliflower florets, add in a handful of cherry tomatoes, some olive oil and steak seasoning; toss to coat with your hands. Season and roast in a hot oven until tender, tossing in any smaller cauliflower leaves towards the end of cooking. When the vegetables are tender and golden, crumble some feta over the top and enjoy with a squeeze of lemon juice and a handful of chopped parsley or coriander.


  • Use it as a dry rub or in a marinade. Before grilling, sprinkle the seasoning over your steaks or use it to flavour oil to brush them with. After grilling, you can sprinkle over a little extra, or serve with a knob of butter whipped up with a pinch of the seasoning.
  • It’s not only good on beef. Try mixing it with salt, brown sugar and some crushed fennel seeds to use as a rub for a joint of slow-cooked pulled pork shoulder to serve with buns, coleslaw and BBQ sauce. It’s good on spare ribs, too.
  • And not just pork ribs. Steak seasoning has just the right combination of flavours to add excitement to a tray of oven-baked sweetcorn ribs.
  • Whether you’re after fries, wedges or full-on roasties, it’s a great way to spice up oven-cooked potatoes.
Did you know

Our steak guide is full of tips on choosing and cooking your steak. Selecting the right cut, cook temperatures and times, plus wine pairings and delicious recipes are all included to help you cook the perfect steak every time.


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