These portions of frozen, finely chopped wild garlic leaf can be used in butters, sauces and savoury bakes. 

Shop Cooks' Ingredients Wild Garlic

Wild Garlic

Did you know

Wild garlic blooms each spring with beautiful, star-shaped white flowers that make the woodland floor look as if it’s blanketed in snow. You'll notice a delicate garlic smell in the air, too, when you're walking nearby to a patch.

Wild Garlic


These portions of frozen, finely chopped wild garlic leaf can used in butters, sauces and savoury bakes. 

Shop Cooks' Ingredients Wild Garlic


It has the same kind of allium notes as regular garlic, though not so full on, so it’s a bit sweeter and more delicate.

tips, tricks & hacks

  • Mix through mashed potatoes for a more aromatic version of Irish colcannon. 
  • Knead into fresh pasta dough.  
  • Stir through cooked couscous or other grain salads – it’s great with bulgar wheat and plenty of fresh parsley in a tabbouleh.
  • Use to bring a delicate flavour to soups and stews. 
  • Sprinkle into sausage meat mixture for homemade sausage rolls. 
  • Blend with butter and use to spread a baguette. Wrap it in foil, warm it in the oven and viola! – garlic bread. This butter is also brilliant melted over steaks or lamb chops.
  • Fold into a cheese omelette. 
  • Add to the dough for savoury cheese scones.

easy meal idea

Rocket & wild garlic pesto

Because not all pestos have to be made with basil! 

  1. Add a couple of handfuls of rocket leaves to the bowl of a food processor, along with several defrosted Wild Garlic portions. All some grated parmesan, finely grated lemon zest and a handful of hazelnuts or walnuts. Blitz into a coarse, chunky paste, then drizzle through enough cold-pressed rapeseed oil until you have a loose, sloppy sauce. 

  2. Taste, then season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, as required, along with a grating of nutmeg, if you wish. Stir through freshly cooked pasta for a simple supper.

Did you know

Wild garlic blooms each spring with beautiful, star-shaped white flowers that make the woodland floor look as if it’s blanketed in snow. You'll notice a delicate garlic smell in the air, too, when you're walking nearby to a patch.


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