Fish and seafood
All our FISH is
This means we’re preserving fish stocks for future generations. As members of the Sustainable Seafood Coalition (SSC), we follow the SSC codes of conduct and we'll work only with fisheries and aquaculture farms that share our commitment to responsible sourcing and animal welfare.
Our commitment includes own label fresh fish, whether you buy it on the counter or prepacked, and whether it's frozen or canned, ingredients in our own label ready meals, sandwiches and any other own label prepared food where fish is the main ingredient.
We’ve been working to these high standards for over 15 years. You can find out more in our aquaculture strategy.
Look out for the blue-fish logo on packaging, which means your seafood has been caught from fisheries certified to the Marine Stewardship Council's standard, which recognises them as well managed and sustainable.
Click here for recipes using salmon, tuna, cod, sea bass and more.
We're COMMITTED to prawn welfare
In 2023 we started working with our supplier and a selection of our supplying farms to trial electrical stunning in our warm water prawns, with support from the Shrimp Welfare Project. From these learnings we will continue to improve the process and roll out to our entire warm water prawn supply chain by the end of 2026.

MEET the fisher
Fisherman Tommy Russell supplies Waitrose with clams and cockles, from the MSC-certified fishery of Poole Harbour in Dorset. “Ours is an amazing fishery – it’s the second largest natural harbour in the world and people have been fishing there since Roman times, perhaps even before,” he says.
“It’s mostly shallow water, almost landlocked, and it’s full of shellfish. The cockles we catch are native, but the clams were introduced by an oyster farmer, years ago, who only got permission because it was thought they couldn’t breed in our waters. Turns out they love it here!
Tommy Russell with a haul of shellfish in Poole Harbour
‘The boats tow a basket behind them, limited to a certain size, and that scoops up the shellfish from the mud'
“We’re all small boats, five to seven metres long, powered by an outboard and mostly with just two crew. We’re allowed to fish between May and the day before Christmas Eve, six days a week, between 6am and 6pm, though we’d never actually be fishing for 12 hours – we can only fish when the tide’s in, so we’re only out for between four and seven hours.
"The boats tow a basket behind them, limited to a certain size, and that scoops up the shellfish from the mud. There’s a strict minimum gap between the bars and a water pump washes the smaller ones back through. We also avoid areas where the birds feed. It’s always been a very sustainable way of fishing, but getting the MSC certification and its blue-fish eco label on our shellfish has meant we’re able to prove that – it’s the gold standard and it’s been really important to us.
“When Waitrose said they wanted to stock our clams, that was a real lifesaver. More than that, it was a seal of approval – when your food is in Waitrose, that tells people it’s good.”