Sausage smash burgers with jammy tomatoes in a burger bun

Sausage smash burgers with jammy tomatoes

Succulent sausage smash burgers with sweet jammy tomatoes - perfect for summer barbecues.

5 out of 5 stars(1) Rate this recipe
  • Serves2
  • CourseMain meal
  • Prepare15 mins
  • Cook20 mins
  • Total time35 mins

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  • 100g cherry vine tomatoes, halved
  • 2 sprig/s oregano, leaves only, roughly chopped
  • 3 sprig/s thyme, leaves only
  • tbsp Vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp caster sugar
  • 4 pork sausages
  • 30g Stilton, crumbled (optional)
  • 2 brioche burger buns, halved
  • 6 small cocktail gherkins, or a few larger burger pickles, thinly sliced


  1. Put the tomatoes in a small pan with the herbs, chilli flakes and ½ tbsp oil. Season generously, then sizzle briefly over a medium heat until the tomatoes begin to release a little juice. Add the sugar and 2 tbsp water, then part-cover and simmer for 8-10 minutes, until the tomatoes are collapsing and juicy.

  2. Start preparing the burgers when the tomatoes are halfway through their cooking time. Roll the sausage meat into two balls. Heat the remaining 1 tbsp oil in a nonstick frying pan or griddle over a medium heat.

  3. When very hot, add the sausage meat then, using a fish slice, press down hard to squash each ball to a thin, flat burger with rough-hewn edges. Sear for 5-7 minutes on each side until crusted, thoroughly cooked and no pink meat remains. Top with the Stilton, if using.

  4. Warm the buns in a low oven while the burgers cook. To assemble, squirt the bottom bun halves with mustard, add the pickles, then top with the burger and finally the jammy tomatoes.

Cook’s tip

To follow the recipe exactly as it appears in the YouTube video, here are a few tips:

Essential British Pork Sausages will also work for this recipe, or choose your favourite from the range.

English mustard, wholegrain or Dijon also work well if you don’t have American-style mustard to hand.

If you prefer, choose soft white baps instead of the brioche buns.


Typical values per serving when made using specific products in recipe


2,658kJ/ 636kcals



Saturated Fat












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